Saturday, April 26, 2008

PTI: As One Door Closes...

I went to an excellent fish restaurant with LM on Thursday night. He is friendly with several of the students - having taught them through thick and thin in England for over a year - and therefore gets to know things.

So we talked about PTI, who he dislikes and I value for his comedy. The infamous meeting wherein he berated our local colleagues for their lack of punctuality and shocking absenteeism is going to bear fruit apparently.

There's a big question over whether he began the meeting by slamming the door. He told Fraggle Rock that the door slammed in the draught. LM's friends told him that they were stunned by the door slamming, but after a silence, somebody said "Did you mean to slam the door?" And PTI stood in front of them with his hands on his hips and said "Yes, I did". So there's a slight inconsistency there.

One of LM's pals, a cynic who I'll call Ben Massaud, later told him: "your friend should find a new job."

The fact that LM "fraternises" with students (our fellow teachers, it must be said, as soon as they get to C1 level, which will be very soon for the likes of Ben Massaud, but sometime never for poor Old Gomez), and indeed with me, has led to criticism from Fraggle Rock, who do not believe in friendships between ranks, or between us and the natives. They no doubt have time to think of these things, as they lie awake at night, listening for the sound of their doors being levered open with pickaxes.

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